· Duzs Sandor and Henyecz Maria
· Duzs Zsuzsana (12/6/1884-06/04/1959) – Emigrated to New Brunswick, NJ, from Szalonna, Borsod Megye, Hungary aboard the S.S. Augusta Victoria of the Hamburg America Lines via Hamburg, Germany in 1902 and was married there in the Magyar Reformed Church on 05/04/1904 to Kiss (Kish) Janos (06/20/1882-05/01/1957), who also emigrated there from Szurte, Ung Megye, Hungary (now Strumkovka, Ukraine) aboard the S.S.Karlsruhe of the Nordduetscher Lloyd Lines, via Bremen, Germany of the Nordduetscher Lloyd Lines, via Bremen, Germany on January 17, 1901; moved to St.Charles, MI, in the summer of 1919 and then to nearby Perry Farm from the fall of 1919 to the fall of 1920 (picked sugar beets); returned to New Brunswick in the fall of 1920 (worked in a cigar factory); returned to Michigan (Owosso) in the spring of 1921 (again picked sugar beets); eventually settled in Flint, where Janos got a job in the Buick automobile plant (retiring after 28 years); both Zsuzsana and Janos are buried in Flint in the Sunset Hills Cemetery on Flushing Road.
· Zsuzsana Kish – Died at age of 4 weeks on 02/23/1905